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How to improve mental health in the workplace

The workplace can be a challenging environment. Between the pressure to meet deadlines and the constant interaction with other people, it’s no wonder that so many of us struggle with our mental health. However, there are things that we can do to support our mental well-being at work. First, it’s important to stay connected with our colleagues. Social support plays a vital role in our mental health, so take time to build relationships with the people you work with. Second, make time for yourself. It’s important to schedule breaks and allow yourself time to relax and recharge. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling. There are plenty of resources available to help you manage your mental health, so reach out if you need support. By taking care of our mental health, we can create a happier and more productive workplace for everyone.

Revoola’s mindfulness techniques can help you ease stress and anxiety in the workplace by:

  • Helping you focus on the present moment
  • Training you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings
  • Teaching stress management techniques
  • Sharing simple breathing exercises
  • Teaching effective relaxation techniques


lonliness and our mental health

Loneliness and our Mental Health

With the official theme of Mental Health Awareness Week in 2022 being loneliness and our mental health, it is important to understand how loneliness can negatively impact our well-being.

First, loneliness has been shown to increase stress hormones and lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Additionally, studies have linked loneliness with an increased risk of heart disease, problems with sleep quality, and lower overall physical health.

To combat these effects, it is important to stay connected with others. Make time to reach out to your friends and family, even if it’s just for a quick chat. Additionally, try to get involved in your community or join a club or group that aligns with your interests. By doing this, you can make new friends and combat feelings of loneliness.

Exercise can help to combat the effects of loneliness and isolation. Going for a walk or getting on your bike for a ride, provides stimulation, the chance to meet other people and creates a change of scenery. If you are working from home and not going to the office, it can be a much-needed break from the isolation too.

Overall, combating loneliness and its negative impact on our mental health is possible with a little effort and the support of those around you. By staying connected, exercising regularly, and reaching out for help when needed, we can all work towards improved mental health.

Changing landscape of the workplace

With many of us now working from home or hybrid working, it has become more difficult to maintain or make new relationships in the workplace. However, these shifting sands present new opportunities to make connections and improve our mental health. For example, many organisations now offer support networks or professional development workshops that can help you connect with other professionals and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your field.

How loneliness affects job performance

The researchers at the University of Pennsylvania led by professor Sigal Barsade carried out a study into loneliness in the workplace. Titled “No Employee is an Island” they looked at a sample of 6732 employees across over 100 different types of jobs and found that loneliness makes people less effective at work whatever their job or position in the company.

The researchers looked at 8 different measures of job performance including customer satisfaction, quality and quantity of work produced, safety records, ability to build positive relationships with coworkers, helping behaviour, and group cohesion. Across all of these measures, they found that loneliness had a negative impact on performance.

This highlights the importance of making an effort to connect with others in the workplace, even if you are working remotely. There are many ways to do this, such as joining an employee resource group, participating in company-sponsored social events, or simply striking up conversations with your coworkers.

Being aware of others’ mental health

By being aware of co-workers’ mental health and taking the time to check in with them, we can create a more supportive work environment for everyone. This includes being mindful of the way we speak to others and the language we use, as well as making an effort to be inclusive and understanding of different experiences.

How we treat our employees or co-workers can have a daily impact on their mental health and emotions. By taking the time to understand their needs and being supportive and non-judgemental, we can all play a role in improving workplace mental health. And by doing so, we are not only helping our colleagues, but also ourselves.

Employee integration in the workplace

Everyone is different and will have different needs when it comes to integrating into the workplace. Some may feel more comfortable joining in straight away, while others may need some time to get to know their colleagues and feel settled in their role before they feel ready to participate fully

There are a number of ways to help employees feel integrated into the workplace, such as:

  • Setting up an employee resource group, where like-minded colleagues can come together to discuss topics of interest and support each other
  • Providing opportunities for networking and skill development, such as professional workshops or continuing education programs
  • Encouraging communication and collaboration among team members through team meetings, shared projects, and regular check-ins- Helping employees feel like they belong by promoting company culture and values, and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce.


Revoola can help people connect

Share and track your progress on the Revoola mind and body wellbeing app with friends and colleagues. However you are feeling. Whatever shape you’re in. Revoola provides a single destination to improve your mental and physical wellbeing with an app that fits in around you. An easy to use, low cost way to manage, track and celebrate what you want to achieve. Try it for FREE today.